Portfolio of Work

Welcome to my private portfolio of work!

Should you have any questions or wish to see any projects with more detail, please feel free to contact me directly.


University of Georgia —
College of Public Health

Since 2018, I have had the pleasure of being an outside consultant with the communications team at the University of Georgia’s College of Public Health to create a series of collateral pieces, both print & digital, as well as provide copywriting to assist with event promotion & student recruitment.

Featured works:


Bay Area Apartment Association

For over 30 years, the Bay Area Apartment Association was managed by a third party, and in 2019 the Board of Directors brought the management in-house which required the creation (or re-creation) of all materials, and a minor brand refresh. I was excited to work with this organization to refine their design & tone to reflect the world-class organization that they are.

Featured works:


Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia

In January 2019, I joined the team at the Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia as the Director of Marketing & Engagement, with the task of revitalizing the membership and marketing materials to bring PIAG into the 21st century.

In my role, I helm all graphic design, marketing/communications planning, video production, event planning, and any ancillary tasks related.

Featured works:


Skylark Apartments

Skylark is Savannah, Georgia’s newest luxury boutique apartment community located physically on Montgomery Street, but in spirit at a 1920s Savannah jazz club. I worked with the development team at My Niche Apartments and Kole Management to develop a brand around the name “Skylark,” and then create a series of collateral goods including signage, floor plans, marketing materials, a social media campaign, and business essentials.

Featured works:


University of Georgia —
Office of Online Learning

When I joined the Office of Online Learning team, the University of Georgia had just gone under a massive multi-year rebranding that hadn’t quite reached OOL. It was my job to bring OOL up to brand to match the rest of the University, to recreate all of the marketing materials for prospective students, and to provide in-depth content analysis of the current state of the Office’s online presence.

Featured works:



After 30 years in business, Zaxby’s had broken barriers in an over-saturated industry, but consumers continued to struggle to define who Zaxby’s was. The challenge presented to us? Create a comprehensive vision to introduce consumers to the real Zaxby’s brand voice, and do it through a creative, interactive campaign. Working a team of some of the best advertising young professionals, my role focused on designing collateral, developing a brand voice, building out a social strategy, and ensuring overall cohesiveness with the campaign and the Zaxby’s business model.

Featured works: